PH Meter BOECO, model BT-600, Germany
Parallel temperature and function mode indication.
Auto-Read: Fast and precise indication of stable measuring results.
Auto-Test: Automatic function test of the instrument upon being turned on.
Automatic temperature compensation: with a temperature sensor.
Auto calibration: fully automatic calibration with Tech., NIST or ASY. Buffer
( Pre-set Tech. Buffer Values: pH 2.00; 4, 01; 7, 00; 12.00)
( Pre-set NIST. Buffer Values: pH 1, 68; 4, 01; 6, 86; 9, 18; 12, 46)
If selecting Tech. And NIST. Buffer, single-, two-, and three-point calibration can be done. If selecting ASYmmetry Buffer, single- or two-point Calibration can be done
Error codes: automatic prompt trouble-shooting actions with error codes
on the display.
Automatic memorization of the latest calibrated value.
Data logger and RS-232 output